Misal untuk traffic International dilewatkan melalui gateway sedangkan traffic local Indonesia di lewatkan melalui gateway
contoh konfigurasi IP address router user pada interface yang terhubung ke router Datautama
/ ip address
add address= network= broadcast= \
interface=ether1 comment="ip point to point utk traffic lnternational" \
add address= network= broadcast= \
interface=ether1 comment="ip point to point utk traffic local" disabled=no
Pertama masukkan daftar ip blok dari router NICE ke /ip firewall address-list seperti berikut:
/ ip firewall address-list
add list=nice address= comment="" disabled=no
add list=nice address= comment="" disabled=no
add list=nice address= comment="" disabled=no
add list=nice address= comment="" disabled=no
add list=nice address= comment="" disabled=no
add list=nice address= comment="" disabled=no
add list=nice address= comment="" disabled=no
untuk mendapatkan script diatas dapat melalui URL berikut:
Kemudian tandai packet data yang menuju local Indonesia
/ ip firewall mangle
add chain=postrouting dst-address-list=nice action=mark-routing \
new-routing-mark=nice passthrough=yes comment="" disabled=no
Selanjutnya buat ip route berikut
/ ip route
add dst-address= gateway= scope=255 target-scope=10 \
comment="traffic selain local Indonesia" disabled=no
add dst-address= gateway= scope=255 target-scope=10 \
routing-mark=nice comment="traffic local Indonesia" disabled=no
Dengan demikian maka jika ke jaringan local Indonesia akan melalui sedangkan untuk ke International melalui, sehingga jika interfacenya dipisah diantara router user dengan router datautama dapat diberi dua mikrotik sebagai bridge utk melimit traffic International maupun local secara terpisah.
Hasil traceroute ke www.plasa.com
C:\Documents and Settings\user>tracert www.plasa.com
Tracing route to www.plasa.com []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
2 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms ip-24-177.datautama.net.id []
3 16 ms 25 ms 12 ms ip-24-1.datautama.net.id []
4 25 ms 25 ms 15 ms telkomnet.openixp.net []
5 21 ms 23 ms 19 ms
6 12 ms 9 ms 12 ms web.plasa.com []
7 10 ms 12 ms 28 ms web.plasa.com []
8 11 ms 17 ms 12 ms web.plasa.com []
Trace complete.
Hasil traceroute ke www.yahoo.com
C:\Documents and Settings\user>tracert www.yahoo.com
Tracing route to www.yahoo-ht2.akadns.net []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
2 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms ip-24-65.datautama.net.id []
3 15 ms 25 ms 10 ms ip-24-1.datautama.net.id []
4 12 ms 12 ms 15 ms
5 10 ms 14 ms 10 ms
6 94 ms 99 ms 71 ms
7 110 ms 204 ms 225 ms
8 * 140 ms 125 ms sl-bb20-hk-14-0.sprintlink.net []
9 * 163 ms 161 ms sl-bb20-tok-15-0.sprintlink.net []
10 318 ms 245 ms 241 ms sl-bb21-sea-8-2.sprintlink.net []
11 305 ms 260 ms 222 ms sl-bb20-sea-15-0.sprintlink.net []
12 218 ms 216 ms 228 ms so-3-0-0.gar1.Seattle1.Level3.net [
13 226 ms 225 ms 313 ms ae-1-53.mp1.Seattle1.Level3.net []
14 237 ms 232 ms 239 ms as-0-0.bbr2.SanJose1.Level3.net []
15 230 ms 235 ms 238 ms ae-23-54.car3.SanJose1.Level3.net []
16 232 ms 241 ms 365 ms
17 230 ms 238 ms 233 ms g-1-0-0-p171.msr2.sp1.yahoo.com []
18 345 ms 314 ms 258 ms UNKNOWN-209-131-32-23.yahoo.com []
19 311 ms 261 ms 235 ms f1.www.vip.sp1.yahoo.com []
Trace complete.
Sedangkan disisi cisco router datautama dapat diseting seperti berikut:
interface FastEthernet0/1
description Interface yang point to point dengan International
ip policy route-map from-int-to-user
duplex auto
speed auto
interface FastEthernet1/1
description Interface yang point to point dengan IDC
ip policy route-map from-nice-to-user
duplex auto
speed auto
access-list 120 remark traffic dari luar ke user
access-list 120 permit ip any
route-map from-nice-to-user permit 10
match ip address 120
set ip next-hop
route-map from-int-to-user permit 10
match ip address 120
set ip next-hop
Jika ingin lebih baik maka di sisi user harus menggunakan router bgp, utk memisahkan traffic user menggunakan BGP akan dijabarkan pada artikel berikutnya.
Selamat mencoba.
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